Call for Papers: Special Issue AJICEDE 25
Cutting-edge classrooms: new frontiers in the teaching-learning process
Guest editors: Gema Albort Morant (University of Sevilla, AJICEDE Association). Maria Dolores Alcaide Ruiz (University of Sevilla, AJICEDE Association). Elena Moreno Ureba (University of Sevilla, AJICEDE Association).
The Journal of Management and Business Education, in collaboration with the AJICEDE Association, cordially invites researchers, teachers, trainers and educational administrators to submit their work to enrich our next special issue entitled “Cutting-edge classrooms: new frontiers in the teaching-learning process”.
Education is at a turning point. The continuous digital transformation, the growing diversity of required skills and the need to move towards more sustainable educational models demand a profound renewal of teaching practices. This special issue invites researchers to share their most recent work on the latest trends in education, with a special emphasis on educational innovation, the use of emerging technologies, and the implementation of sustainable pedagogical practices to meet current challenges.
Within this framework, research that examines the growing impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies on teaching and learning will be valued. AI is transforming the educational landscape, from personalizing learning to data analysis, offering new opportunities to improve educational quality and efficiency in processes. We invite authors to explore how these technological tools can be integrated into teaching strategies to foster greater collaboration, communication, and engagement among educational actors.
In this special issue, we hope to receive innovative case studies, emerging research, and successful experiences that can serve as a reference to meet the challenges of future education.
Thematic lines:
The proposed articles may address the following topics:
• Teaching innovation in educational contexts.
• New methodologies and learning spaces.
• Innovative educational contexts.
• Active methodologies and development of student competences.
• Creativity and innovation in curriculum development.
• Learning with Artificial Intelligence and emerging educational technologies.
• Ethics and responsibility in the use of AI in education.
• Diversity in the classroom and inclusive education.
• Emotional intelligence and socio-emotional learning.
• Learning for a sustainable future
• Assessment of learning.
• Management of educational institutions.
Proposals must comply with the publication standards and template of the Journal of Management and Business Education (
Special Issues Process:
Submitted papers must adhere to the Review process of Journal of Management and Business Education which can be found at: Author Guidelines. All papers must be submitted through the JMBE on-line submission system. Articles submission and review process follow the same procedure as any other journal's article.
Submissions must select Section: "Special Issue AJICEDE 25”
English or Spanish (accepted papers must be translated into English)
Important dates:
• Acceptance start date: November 26, 2024
• Acceptance closing date: Jun 30, 2025
More information:
See more information on the journal's website or contact the guest editors Gema Albort Morant (, Maria Dolores Alcaide Ruiz ( and Elena Moreno Ureba ( via email.