Employers' perceptions of generic employability skills of accounting graduates: evidence from Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia, employability skills, accounting graduates, accounting, emerging countriesAbstract
This study aims to examine the employers’ perceptions about the employability skills required from accounting graduates in Saudi Arabia. To achieve this goal, a sample of employers in Saudi Arabia was invited to participate in brief survey of 24 questions to determine their ranking of the most important technical skills (12) and generic skills (12) for accounting jobs. Eight of the twelve technical skills were ranked as most important: financial accounting and reporting, tax and zakat accounting, cost accounting, computer and information technology skills and business and company laws. On the other hand, employers stated that all of 12 generic skills were of high importance. The study has important implications for both educators and accounting students in Saudi Arabia. For educators, the findings of the study suggest that university policy-makers and educators need to adapt their curricula so that their graduates can acquire and develop competence in the generic skills needed by the modern workplace. For accounting students, the findings of the study indicate that memorization for earning high grades is necessary, but not sufficient for employment and success in today's work workplace.
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