Developing accounting reports to establish accounting organizational capacity
educational innovation, accounting strategy, motivation, accounting, professional skillsAbstract
At present, university education is based on the teacher explains a theoretical-practical concepts corresponding to the subject, and in this way the students appropriately get that knowledge. However, students believe that teaching should be more focused on business practice, in order to maintain a high motivation to learn and strengthen their knowledge. For this reason teachers are constantly evolving and looking new techniques to increase their motivation and improve their professional skills. Therefore, our research has been based on formulating an accounting practice that meets the demands of the professional market. The student was given some accounting reports with continuous operations of real companies. The research´s objective was to propose the students a correct strategy to carry out all the accounting operations of the company, accounting the future operations of it, since in case of that would be penalized considerably. In this way, it was intended to increase the degree of motivation of the student within the subject, in order to improve the accounting skills of the same.
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