Bibliometric analysis of financial education research based on scientific maps




Financial Education, Bibliometric analysis, Scimat, Scientific maps, Co-occurrence analysis


This study aims to analyze the intellectual structure of research in Financial Education from bibliometric techniques from 1970 to 2020. To carry out this analysis, the SciMAT software has been used with which the performance and scientific production have been extracted, as well as the most important topics within the area of Financial Education through the analysis of the co-occurrence of keywords. The results obtained show how Financial Education is a research area with great potential and growth expectations, finding that the most prominent topics within this research area are risk management, user savings and spending, and use of money. This study contributes to the analysis of Financial Education in different fields, helping to understand its intellectual structure.


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How to Cite

Alcázar-Blanco, A., Paule-Vianez, J., & Rangel-Preciado, J. F. (2021). Bibliometric analysis of financial education research based on scientific maps. Journal of Management and Business Education, 4(2), 183–205.




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