Reviving performance by adopting chameleon style of leadership
chameleon leadership, external locus of control, relativistic beliefs, outstanding performance, dimensions of outstanding performanceAbstract
With new, diverse, and complicated challenges facing contemporary leaders in today’s changing and distinct environment, it is essential for organizations to move away from old and traditional leadership practices and embrace new ones. This study focused on adopting the concept of “Chameleon Leadership”, the capacity to be able to amend your tactics, much as a chameleon does to improve organizational performance. The study relied on the descriptive deductive approach; this approach comprises of formulating the hypotheses and tests them during the study process. The sample consists of 126 randomly selected staff from various faculties at Albaath University, Syria. The objective was to show if the adoption of chameleon leadership could improve university performance. The result showed that there is a significant relationship between the chameleon style of leadership and outstanding university performance. Also, the adoption of chameleon leadership characteristics can enable organizations to achieve outstanding performance in their work. For success and development of chameleon operations, the researcher suggested that universities must conduct extensive training about chameleon leadership methods in line with the reality of the university despite the existence of laws that hinder the development process.
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