Transferring management and busiess knowledge in China
China, international joint ventures, management education, knowledge transfer, international managementAbstract
This study of transferring management and business knowledge in China tapped the views and opinions of 43 expert management educators who had participated in the transfer of management knowledge in China from the mid-1990s to the present time. It traces the development of management education in China following the implementation of the 1978 Open Door Policy, demonstrates the impact of China’s national culture on knowledge transfer, identifies success factors in the process, and exposes the noncomparability of culture-specific approaches to managing people and organizations. We argue that the management values, attitudes, and practices of Chinese managers are diverging from those in the West, which has significant implications for the curriculum and pedagogy employed in the delivery of management education. Understanding the basis for this divergence will benefit expat and local manager alike as they negotiate their managerial roles in cross-border organizations like international joint ventures (IJVs).
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