Effects of self-assessment and 360 degree feedback on teaching-learning process
Teaching innovation, self-assessment, 360 degree feedback, learning process, university educationAbstract
This paper highlights the importance of evaluation as part of the teaching-learning process and aims to show its usefulness for both the teacher and the student. To this end, two teaching innovation projects have been designed. The first focuses on self-assessment and the second on the 360 degree feedback. The results of the first project show that self-assessment contributes to the improvement of the student's final grade. In the second project, it is verified that the students are satisfied with the 360 degree feedback and, in addition, they show greater satisfaction with this form of assessment than with the traditional assessment carried out only by the teacher. With respect to the deviations in the scores given by the different evaluators, they move between 0% and 41%. From these projects it can be deduced that the use of new ways of evaluating the work of university students has a positive effect on their learning and on their satisfaction.
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