Competencies adquisitions and learning in colaboration with organizations




graduated finish work, asked themes by firms, nowledge transfer university-firm, cooperation university-firm


The aim of this project is to facilitate the contact between Universidad and Firms, using a web which let to firms select themes in order to be developed in Graduated Finish Work in the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences of the University of Seville. To do so, are raised the following actions: organizing different training activities; acquiring the necessary equipment and software; and hiring technical assistance. The results obtained show an important initial firm interest by this tool which is manifested with number of asked themes by the firms, instead of few time to try this web. Furthermore, the students who are participating in this project like very interested in developed these asked themes. To the future, It would interesting to include others department of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences of University of Seville and the students could choose these Graduated Finish Works depending to their academic record. This project facilitates knowledge transfer between University-Firm and enabling student’s contact with bussines reality.


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How to Cite

Marta, D.-C., Revilla-Camacho, M. A., & Cossío-Silva, F. J. (2018). Competencies adquisitions and learning in colaboration with organizations. Journal of Management and Business Education, 1(1), 11–27.




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