Bibliometric analysis of technology readiness and education in high-impact journals of social sciences




Technology Readiness, tr, Education, Organizations, Bibliometric, students


In this bibliometric study, the close relationship between technology readiness and education is explored, particularly within the realm of social sciences. The main objective is to identify global trends and behaviors associated with these concepts. A qualitative scientometric review methodology was employed, focusing on the Web of Science (WoS) database, with 1366 articles analyzed. The application of various laws revealed the fundamental importance of Technology Readiness and Education for the long-term success of organizations in the digital age. Investing in the development of Technology skills strengthens competitiveness and fosters innovation. However, a minimal representation of educational topics in Social Sciences was observed, accounting for only 0.03% of the total articles. This knowledge gap is crucial to address, as training in technology and education is essential for both professional and scientific success. Having the appropriate competencies in technology and education is imperative to achieve greater productivity and professional success across various domains.


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Author Biographies

Dulce María Cruz-Martínez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán

Docente en Ciencias Naturales con Maestría en Gestión de Proyectos.

Ángel Acevedo-Duque, Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Ph.D. Program in Social Sciences, Santiago


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Bibliometric analysis of technology readiness and education in high-impact journals of social sciences




How to Cite

Cruz Martinez, G. A., Cruz-Martinez, D. M., & Acevedo-Duque, Ángel. (2024). Bibliometric analysis of technology readiness and education in high-impact journals of social sciences. Journal of Management and Business Education, 7(2), 357–378.




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