Education, social justice and post-pandemic in Spain




education, post-pandemic, social justice, digital divide, inequality


The health crisis caused by the COVID pandemic-19 has had a profound impact on all areas of human life, and especially in education, with consequences that in many cases can be irreversible, specific in terms of social justice and equity, since the current situation seems to have exacerbated educational inequalities. These inequalities are reflected in the lack of equal opportunities for access, teaching and results, in many cases, as a result of the digital divide that became evident when moving from face-to-face education to a virtual modality. That is why this theoretical and descriptive work conducts a review of literature about social justice in education in Spain with projection towards an immediate post-pandemic future. The analysis of the revised work shows that there are still many outstanding challenges that the Spanish education system faces, but perhaps the most important is to correct or alleviate at least the inequality of educational opportunities, bearing in mind that the digital divide is only another side - the most visible - of inequality.


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How to Cite

Aznar Sánchez, T., & Rodríguez Elizalde, R. (2021). Education, social justice and post-pandemic in Spain. Journal of Management and Business Education, 4(2), 206–230.




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