Entrepreneurial education at the university
entrepreneurial education, economic development, social development, university, trainingAbstract
Promoting entrepreneurship and business creation as a tool to generate economic growth in a country has been proposed for decades with the aim of achieving economic development within society, and resolving some economic problems which are currently emerging, such as high youth unemployment rates. According to various authors, one of the main mechanisms to generate entrepreneurial culture is focusing on the education at training centres. This study proposes the analysis of the importance that is offered to entrepreneurial education, in order to know whether the entrepreneurial spirit is really promoted or not. With this purpose, we have made an approximation to the definition of entrepreneurial education. Secondly, we have performed an analysis of the current scientific approaches on entrepreneurship education, to find out what is currently being investigated on it, thus analysing the status of this specific education. Our results suggest that entrepreneurship has gained importance over the years, and that current research on entrepreneurship education has increased as well from 2015 to the present.
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