Virtual classroom: teacher skills to promote student engagement
Virtual Classroom, Virtual Learning Environments, Student Engagement, Teacher Behavior, Teacher-Student RelationshipAbstract
The Virtual Classroom is the main tool for blended learning, since it allows the breaking of time and space barriers between the teacher and the student. In order to develop and put into practice a higher studies course through this tool, teachers need to have a series of skills related to the command of digital technologies and an understanding of students’ affective and behavioral states: and to then apply appropriate communication strategies to deliver course content and prepare students for this innovative learning approach. This study reviews educational research literature on virtual classrooms, teacher behavior and student engagement to establish a theoretical model that explains the type of abilities that teachers must develop to achieve student engagement in academic activities. These abilities are classified in three categories: technical, affective and communicative. Furthermore, several learning theories (objectivism, constructivism and connectivism) are reviewed to conduct an appropriate Virtual Classroom design and implementation that can adapt to each student’s specific learning needs. Future study lines, as well as empirical proposals to go deeper into these theoretical propositions, are presented.
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